Dashper X Files #20


X Files #20 (posted by Linda Etty from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada)

Seeking Susan D Dashpar

"While helping out someone in England, I found a Susan D. DASHPAR buried in London, Ontario about one hour from here.  She was married to Andrew ELLIS. 

From census, death and cemetery records I have found:

Trying to find Susan's parents and birthplace,  Andrew Ellis' parents and birthplace - there were 2 born in Ashburton, and their connection to Newfoundland. 

I strongly believe Susan is related to the Cockington/Torquay/Newfoundland Dashpers but can find no records of her."   [Linda]

X Files #20 Case Solved 25/5/02  (Linda Etty from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada)

"The mystery of the marriage of Andrew Ellis and Susan Dashper has been  solved.  Christine had a hunch that Susan Dashper was actually Susannah Dashper Glynn.  Judith Kimber and I doubted it only because we couldn't understand why she would use her forename as her sir name.  Christine wins!!!    I found this at our LDS:

Andrew Ellis M 1838 (J-M) Kingsbridge ix #413 to SUSAN DRAPER GLYNNE (boy, what a screw up)  They must have left for Newfoundland shortly after because their first son George was born about 1839 in Newfoundland.

Kingsbridge Devonshire is 11 miles south of Totnes at the head of Kingsbridge Estuary passed Salcombe and out to sea-Bolt Head and Prawie Point."  [Linda]

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