Article on the wedding of Mr Leslie Graham Dashper and Miss Dorothy Bruce (newspaper source unknown: June 1909)





One of the prettiest weddings solemnised in Sandown in recent years was that which took place at St. John's Church on Saturday last. This was the third of a series of choral weddings at this church within recent date, and again there was a full congregation to witness the happy ceremony. The bride was Miss Dorothy Bruce, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.F.Bruce, of 52 Bullingham Mansions, Kensington, W., and of Feild House, Sandown., and the bridegroom, Mr. Leslie Graham Dashper, Surveyor of Sandown, and youngest son of the late Mr. G.J.Dashper, a former Clerk of the Peace to the City of Lincoln, and of Mrs. Dashper, Lincoln. The Rev. J. Agg-Large, M.A. (Vicar) officiated.

The bride, who was given away by her father, Mr. G.F. Bruce, was prettily gowned in ivory satin charmeuse with a silk embroidery and chiffon, and wore a veil and orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. There were four bridesmaids in attendance on her: Miss Margaret Bruce and Miss Freda Bruce (sisters of the bride), Miss Kate L. Dashper (sister of the bridegroom), and Miss Marjorie Spain (cousin of the bride). They were gowned in silk eolienne, silk embroidered, wore hats of biscuit coloured chip straw trimmed with pink roses, and carried bouquets of pink roses and lilies of the valley. Their ornaments were Lincoln imp souvenir brooches, the gifts of the bridegroom. Mr. John Lowe (husband of Kate Louise Dashper) of Lincoln discharged the duties of best man.

The service was fully choral, Mr. Reginald Bruce, brother of the bride, organist and choirmaster at St. Dionis' Parish Church, Fulham, and assistant organist at the Chapel Royal, Savoy, presiding at the organ. The choir were in attendance, and sang as a processional hymn "The voice that breathed o'er Eden" to a special tune composed by the bride's father, Mr. G.F.Bruce, F.R.C.O. The "Deus Misereatur" was sung to Walmisley's chant, and the hymn "O Perfect Love" was given at the close of the service, the congregation kneeling; the choir being under the direction of Mr. W.T.Russell, organist and choirmaster at St. John's. As the wedding guests were assembling Mr. Reginald Bruce played "Cantique d'amour" (Edouard Schutt), "Introduction and Allegro" (Bach) and "Meditation" (B.Jackson). During the signing of the register he gave the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin, and also an improvisation, and the procession left the church to the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March. The happy couple made their way to their carriage amid a perfect shower of rose leaves, rice and confetti, expressive of the good wishes of their many friends.

The reception was held at Field House where there were upwards of a hundred handsome and useful presents on view. There were several of a more or less public nature. As previously announced, the bridegroom was the recipient of a handsome silver rose bowl, suitably inscribed, and a pair of candlesticks from the members of Sandown Urban District Council. The officials of the Council also presented him with a silver tea service, and the workmen expressed their pleasure at the event by sending a handsome solid oak coal scuttle. The many choice gifts to the bride included a beautiful silver cake basket from the superintendant of St. John's Sunday School, Miss Bruce having taken an active interest in the Sunday School work of the parish.

Both bride and bridegroom were the recipients of a large number of congratulatory telegrams. While the reception was in progress at Field House on Saturday afternoon, these were arriving in large numbers.

Towards the close of the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Dashper were driven to Ryde, whence they took the boat for Portsmouth, on their way to London, where the first part of the honeymoon was spent. The bride's travelling costume was of brown and white cloth, and the hat, a brown beehive hat trimmed with pink roses, forget-me-nots, and brown wings.

Some excellent photographs of the wedding party were taken at the rear of Field House by Messrs. G.&H.Ancell.


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